
Kali Linux - Basics

:ID: cb51a9d3-842b-4b10-ae56-2d18573b5f3e



FHS - Filesystem Hierarchy Standard - conventions used for layout of a UNIX system LinuxFoundation

  • /bin : basic programs like ls, cd, cat
  • /sbin : system programs like fdisk, makefs, sysctl
  • /etc : configuration files bk
  • /tmp : temporary files, typically deleted on boot
  • /usr/bin : applications like apt, ncat, nmap
  • /usr/share : application support and data files

Basic Linux commands

Finding files


searches through directories in the $PATH environment variable for a given file name; returns the full path to the file if a match is found


quickest way; uses locate.db, database updated regularly by cron scheduler; update manually with sudo updatedb


most complex and flexible; eg recursive search starting from root of filesystem, searching for any files that start with sbd: sudo find / -name sbd*; find can search by many attributes

Ex: find files modified in last day and not owned by root; execute ls -l on them:

find / -mtime -1 -type f ! -user root -exec ls -l {} \;

Ex: find files of a certain size and base64 decode contents

find / -size 64c -exec base64 -d {} \; 2>/dev/null

man pages

Manual content divided into sections:

Section Contents
1 User Commands
2 Programming interfaces for kernel system calls
3 Programming interfaces to the C library
4 Special files such as device nodes and drivers
5 File formats
6 Games and amusements
7 Miscellaneous
8 System administration commands

Name, synopsis, description, along with options, parameters, switches, etc

man cat

Search by Keyword

man -k '^passwd$' – search by regex

Search using apropos

search descriptions, equivalent to man -k

Kali services

In order to maintain a low profile, Kali prevents network services from starting by default – they need to be specifically enabled


sudo systemctl start ssh


sudo ss -antlp | grep sshd

To start automatically at boot: sudo sytemctl enable ssh


http service (apache) – hosting a site or a platform for downloading files to victim machine

sudo systemctl start apache2

List of all available services

systemctl list-unit-files


apt is the package manager for this debian-based system

apt uses

– apt update ; apt upgrade – apt-cache search apt-cache search pure-ftpd – apt show – apt install


does not require an internet connection; will not install dependencies