Pentest - Active Directory
Active Directory Enumeration
Legacy Windows Tools
Use net.exe
to gather user information
A more detailed view of specific users in the output above:
Enumerate groups:
Specifying a group:
PowerShell and .NET
When RSAT tools aren’t available, we can use an Active Directory Services Interface ADSI (a set of interfaces built on COM as an LDAP provider. The LDAP ADsPath we need to consider to interact with the AD service is based on the following recipe:
We could use the domain as the hostname, but this could potentially resolve to any of the DCs on the domain. To obtain the most accurate information, we’ll look for the primary domain controller (PDC), which is the one holding the PdcRoleOwner attribute.
Looking to .NET, we have the namespace System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory, and specifically the Domain Class therein. A method of interest is the following:
which will provide the PdcRoleOwner property, among others. We can use ADSI directly in PowerShell to retrieve the DN. We’ll use two single quotes to indicate that the search starts at the top of the AD hierarchy.
Putting it together, we can obtain the LDAP string:
In order to gather information, utilize two other classes in the System.DirectoryServices namespace: DirectoryEntry and DirectorySearcher. We’ll pass the LDAP path to DirectoryEntry in order to start the search at the top of the directory heirarchy. To perform queries with DirectorySearcher, we’ll pass the DirectoryEntry object as the SearchRoot.
where we’ve added the samAccountType for users. Iterate through the user properties and print:
Wrap all of the above into a function:
We can import and run LDAPSearch -LDAPQuery "(samAccountType=805306368)"
, or LDAPSearch -LDAPQuery "(objectclass=group)"
Permissions and Sessions
PowerView: Find-LocalAdminAccess
Determine if the current user has admin access on any domain machines. Relies on OpenServiceW function, which will connect to the Service Control Manager (SCM) on the target machines.
PowerView: Get-NetSession
Determine which users are logged into which machines. It utilizes two Windows APIs: NetWkstaUserEnum and NetSessionEnum. First requires admin privs, the second does not.
SysInternals: PSLoggedon
Service Accounts
PowerView: Get-NetUser -SPN | select samaccountname,serviceprincipalname
Enumerate Service Principal Names (SPNs)
Object Permissions
PowerView: Get-ObjectAcl
- Check the ActiveDirectoryRights and SecurityIdentifier attributes
- Dealing with SIDs:
Active Directory Authentication
NTLM Authentication
Kerberos Authentication
Cached AD Credentials
Attacking Active Directory
Kerbrute Enumeration
Privileges: No domain access required
Pass the Ticket (PtT) Attack
Privileges: Domain user access
Privileges: Access as any user
AS-REP Roasting
Privileges: Access as any user
Golden Ticket
Privileges: Full domain compromise (domain admin)
Silver Ticket
Privileges: Service hash
Pentest - Active Directory - Skeleton Key
Privileges: Full domain compromise (domain admin)