
PowerShell - Custom Execution Timer

Custom Execution Timer

source: devblogs

function Measure-CommandEx {

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)]


    Begin {
        $stopWatch = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch'

            We need to define result as a list because the way objects
            are passed to the pipeline. If you pass a collection of objects,
            the pipeline sends them one by one, and the result
            is always overridden by the last item.
        [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSObject]]$result = @()

    Process {
        if ($InputObject) {

            # Starting the stopwatch.

            # Creating the '$_' variable.
            $dollarUn = New-Object -TypeName psvariable -ArgumentList @('_', $InputObject)

                Overload is:
                        Dictionary<string, scriptblock> functionsToDefine,
                        List<psvariable> variablesToDefine,
                        object[] args
            $result.AddRange($Expression.InvokeWithContext($null, $dollarUn, $null))

        else {

    End {
        return [PSCustomObject]@{
            ElapsedTimespan = $stopWatch.Elapsed
            Result = $result