PowerShell - Writing cmdlets in C#
Writing powershell cmdlets in C#
source: dotnetninja
create a new class that derives from one of two base classes (Cmdlet or PsCmdlet), add properties to the class to accept your parameters, override one or more methods in the base class to provide your functionality, and decorate the class and properties with a few attributes.
cmdlet name
all defined in constants in the C# reference library
VerbsCommon: Add, Clear, Close, Copy, Enter, Exit, Find, Format, Get, Hide, Join, Lock, Move, New, Open, Optimize, Pop, Push, Redo, Remove, Rename, Reset, Resize, Search, Select, Set, Show, Skip, Split, Step, Switch, Undo, Unlock, Watch
VerbsCommunications: Connect, Disconnect, Read, Receive, Send, Write
VerbsData: Backup, Checkpoint, Compare, Compress, Convert, ConvertFrom, ConvertTo, Dismount, Edit, Expand, Export, Group, Import, Initialize, Limit, Merge, Mount, Out, Publish, Restore, Save, Sync, Unpublish, Update
VerbsDiagnostic: Debug, Measure, Ping, Repair, Resolve, Test, Trace
VerbsLifecycle: Approve, Assert, Complete, Confirm, Deny, Disable, Enable, Install, Invoke, Register, Request, Restart, Resume, Start, Stop, Submit, Suspend, Uninstall, Unregister, Wait
VerbsOther: Use
VerbsSecurity: Block, Grant, Protect, Revoke, Unblock, Unprotect